
In the current scenario, the presence of technology is indisputable. We no longer conceive of a society that is not connected and integrated by technology. Engineering is present in all aspects of life in society. The supply of energy to the domestic consumer, the automation of large industries, the discovery of new materials, metrological techniques and the supply of large communications servers are just a few examples of the various fields of activity of the engineer. In view of this context, in which the need for training human resources and knowledge in technological areas becomes evident, UFRPE realizes that the time has come to invest and contribute in this area, both through the graduation instituted at UACSA and through a program Interdisciplinary Graduate Program that involves different areas of knowledge of the different Engineering courses on our campus. Despite the clear relevance of engineering and exact sciences courses to society, research in these areas still poses many challenges. It is common for themes to be worked on and investigated in isolation, disconnected from the reality that surrounds them or based on the simple observation of isolated phenomena. In this context, the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco thought the expansion of its performance, promoting in July 2014, in an unprecedented way among its almost 103 years, courses in Civil, Electronic, Electrical, Mechanical and Materials Engineering. However, since the project was conceived there has been a concern not to simply reproduce the way most engineering courses in Brazil are taught. So, we chose to do it differently. Beforehand, the option of locating the Unit in a strategic center in technology development was made: the city of Cabo de Santo Agostinho was chosen as the headquarters of its new Academic Unit, as it is close to the Suape Port Industrial Complex, a development hub of the state of Pernambuco and which lacks greater University-Industry interaction. Keeping the vanguard with which it implements its actions, UFRPE plans to offer the first Postgraduate Program in Physical Engineering in Brazil, combining the Physical techniques of building the solutions of the problems to the innovative vision of Engineering, providing a new way to generate scientific knowledge and technological.


Research activities:

The research activities of this Graduate Program are organized around two Areas of Concentration, Materials and Optoelectronics. The lines of research are largely interdependent and reflect the interdisciplinary character of PPENGFIS. Thus, the lines of research contemplate the objectives of the two areas of concentration, combining expertise and knowledge to: (i) provide students / future professionals with a solid conceptual and investigative basis in scientific and technological areas with strong potential for application; (ii) to increase the scientific-technological production of the young institution where the academic activities detailed here will be carried out, boosting the development of the region; (iii) develop research projects in possible partnerships with the region's industrial pole. The lines of research count on the participation of trained researchers with experience in several areas of scientific knowledge, specifically: Engineering and Materials Science, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Optics and Experimental Quantum Optics, Condensed Matter Physics and Non-Linear Dynamics .



The objectives of the Academic Master's Degree in Physical Engineering are: i) To produce scientific, technological and innovation knowledge in the areas of knowledge of this program through scientific publications, patents and the elaboration of scientific-industrial projects; ii) To qualify professionals capable of working in the academic, scientific and also industrial environment, developing innovation, research and teaching activities seeking to transform the social context of the places where they are inserted and to stimulate scientific development in the industrial sector; iii) Develop partnerships with the industrial sector in order to increase university-industry interaction, generating an environment conducive to technological innovations with a view to regional and national development; iv) Encourage interdisciplinary actions, aiming to qualify the use of methodological and scientific means for differentiated professional training and; v) Promote the integration between undergraduate and graduate courses through teaching and research activities.


Professional profile:

The profile of the student of the Academic Master's Program in Physical Engineering is that of a professional who has the capacity to elaborate and develop scientific-technological research projects in the academic or industrial sector; work and coordinate research, analysis or innovation laboratories in the academic, industrial and / or laboratories accredited by INMETRO; formulate questions and objectives related to its research area and related areas with independence and maturity in order to develop unpublished works in science, technology and innovation. In this way, the graduate will be able to act in the development of new technologies; develop a future doctoral project; work in research laboratories in the industrial or academic sector and develop teaching activities. The target audience of the course are students graduated in Exact and Natural Sciences, Computing, Engineering and Technological courses associated with the program's concentration areas.